I know what you're thinking. Sure...this is the last one...you also didn't think you were going to have this one so soon. Well, I have my ways. Actually, I don't have any ways, really, but I hear some general surgeons have their ways. ;) Sorry, babe! And for those men out there who find it inappropriate for me to even discuss such procedures, all I have to say is, too bad! I lost all privacy and sense of modesty through my pregnancy, why should Chris go completely unscathed?
I of course, had heard that every pregnancy is different. Regardless, I began this one assuming I did not need to read up or prepare myself any differently. I mean, c'mon, I JUST did this, I know what it is like. Yeah, this has been different. I like to think this just shows me a unique personality already developing in this little one. I have been utterly exhausted, while not nearly as nauseous. While in the first pregnancy I was almost always on the verge of being sick, this one goes in waves. I will feel perfect one minute and THEN be running for the bathroom in the next. While the reprieve is appreciated, the bolts of despair are ridiculous!
In the first pregnancy I also had food aversions right away. In this pregnancy, I have cravings! Weird ones. The only similarity is that I continue to be easily influenced by television. Yup, advertisements work, just not always in the expected way. For example, a commercial for all natural cheese that begins with a clip of terribly fattening, processed, cheese in a can should make you crave that all natural goodness....Yeah, I wanted Cheese-Wiz. Don't worry, I resisted that terrible urge. I also talked to myself and my son in the cookie aisle for 20 minutes trying to convince myself not to buy Chips Ahoy so that I could dip them in milk.
Christopher continues to be an adorable, doting father to both of his children. Surprisingly, I am not the only one who is experiencing a completely different pregnancy. With Maxson, he was a ball of nerves and rarely even talked about the fact that his wife was pregnant as if talking about it would jinx it. While most say to keep it quiet during the first trimester, he seemed to be playing it safe by waiting until I was in premature labor. And I think even then he was forced to tell people because they would be curious why he stopped showing up to work. With this pregnancy, however, he took the 12 week ultrasound pictures into work with him and showed them off. He talks to our son about being a big brother and asks him whether he wants a brother or sister. The responses have been difficult to interpret! It is sweet to see him so excited, even if I did make him speechless when originally breaking the news. If you thought Chris was already a pale little white guy, you should have seen him on that morning!
As of Thursday, we should know the gender, though I will be very skeptic if they tell me girl again... Regardless, pictures will be posted so keep your eyes on the blog! Oh, and here are some pictures to keep you satisfied until then!!

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