That's right, Maxson is going to have a baby brother! We are ridiculously excited!! One of my first thoughts? It is a good thing that we do not own nice things. I have a feelings these boys (their father included) will be wrecking our house in no time. Well, hopefully not until our house is really our own...
I can only see 2 downsides: 1) I will be outnumbered. 2) Chris and I cannot agree on a name.... Maxson has tried to help, but we don't really like Bob of Pop either (one of the few agreements Chris and I have).
I suppose we have plenty of time to come up with something :)
Baby's heartbeat is clocking in a 145 beats/minute (perfectly normal). He is weighing in around 8 ounces, tiny little champ. He was squirming like worm, but I am starting to feel it, which is amazing. I did not think I'd be in awe as much this time, but I have to say that I still love to feel my little moving around. You would not think it is possible, but I am already ridiculously proud of this kid. I suppose I am easily impressed, but you have to admit, he has had a productive few weeks!
Everything else is looking good! I have another doctor's appointment today to check on me, but assuming all my blood work comes back normal, this is looking like smooth sailing (knock on wood).
An update on Maxson:
The kiddo is a rock star. He just turned 11 months this past week. His vocabulary consists of several words: Mama, Dada, Bye-Bye, Cat, Pop, Uh-Oh, and we've discovered that he is always looking at the dogs when he says Bob. It's a little random.
He is cruising like crazy and can stand and even take a few steps on his own, though as soon as he realizes that he is sailing solo, he plops onto his bum. He is pointing to just about anything and everything. My desire to fuel his curiosity means that I'm stopping every few feet while walking the aisles of Target to see what he is pointing to and show it to him. Our outings take a little bit longer than usual as a result. His personality is becoming more and more apparent. This is a kid that loves to laugh, he loves anything kinda scary/exciting and he is fearless. This could be an amazingly terrifying combination for the future. He is constantly making goofy faces and playing around with people, he loves to chase or be chased, and he will try to climb up on just about anything.
Well, I suppose you all want to see pictures, so look below for ultrasounds from yesterday!

This one is probably Christopher's favorite. No mistaking it, she zoomed in and labeled it....this feel weird to post, but there you have it.
We love you all!
YAY!!! LOVE IT! We sure we could be there to help you. But, know that there are people in texas who love you!