The doctor's appointment went wonderfully! He started off hiding his face again, but after a while he was willing to smile for the camera. Again, he is not a morning baby. The picture below was our doctor's favorite, because he kept rubbing his eyes with his tiny little hand.

Funny story: So when you get pregnant, everyone asks you what you, as the mommy, predict the gender to be. Mothers, nurses, and doctors alike claim that mothers have this ability to sense or feel what their baby is...when asked, I thought the baby was a boy. At first, I even had a hard time coming up with girl names! After being told that he was a she, I would still have dreams about a little boy. You can call B.S. if you want, but ask Chris, if I had a dream about a baby, it was a boy. I felt like I was just a bad mom. So when they told me "Oops, we were is a boy." I could NOT stop smiling. It all made sense! I'm not a bad mom! Yay!! While we would have been happy either way, it is just fun to me that I was right!! Somehow my body or my brain knew! Take that science!
Oh and for those of you who do not believe me when I say it's a boy....well, the doctor took literally 9 pictures of his pee-pee up close! And direct quote, "It's a boy all day doubt." While I hesitate to put such pictures online, I cannot imagine this being dirty....he's not even 2 pounds, and it's just a cute willy! Yes, looking back at that sentence seems weird.

Fast facts:
His little foot -- just over 1 inch long
His heart -- 158 beats/minute
His weight -- 1.5 pounds
His head -- not abnormally big!!!!
Mom has gained -- 8 pounds total (normal is 25-35 by the end) So a lot more to gain in 3 months...
He looks healthy, active, and happy! If you have any name suggestions, feel free to pass 'em my way! We're starting from scratch! More pictures to follow from daddy - more face shots and little toes. Hope you enjoy!!!
omg! that's so great. and jules, you would never be a bad mom no matter what! :) what an adorable future son you have growing inside you! sending you, Chris and baby boy much, much love <3
ReplyDeletehaha! Yep still laughing! Maybe we can send out new invitations. Then again...could be fun ;-)
ReplyDeleteI believe you knew it was a boy, Jules... I knew when I was pregnant too!! And you're hardly getting HUGE... you have an adorable little baby bump!!! I can't wait to see you!!!! Miss you!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI have honestly spent the last five days trying to come up with a joke about how he must have gotten the small-willy gene from Chris without leaving myself open to the obvious retaliation that I, too, am related to Chris. I have failed. I just wanted you to know that I was really, really trying.
ReplyDeleteVery exciting, congrats guys... I vote for the name "Drago"!
I think you time-traveled to take a picture of Todd's future waiting room! :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way - 3rd trimester!!! Holy crap! I've been gone way too long. Can't wait to see you soon!