One of my least favorite things about this process (and mind you, I am not saying THE least favorite), is the glucose screen. Let me break this down for you. Between 25-28 weeks, the mama is told that she needs to be checked for gestational diabetes. Seems like it would be a simple process, but simple is not synonymous with tasty.
Here's what happens: A lovely person will walk into a room and tell you, the unsuspecting patient, that you need to drink this "orange drink" or in some cases "fruit punch" and then wait one hour before having your blood drawn. As you take the first sip of this bottle of orange hell, she will tell you that you have less than 5 minutes to finish all of it. I've been to college, I understand the concept of chugging, and this could not taste worse than cheap beer, right? Wrong. This is pure sugar and artificial flavoring. After your gag reflex is checked and your digestive system takes a beating, you have to wait it out. Here is the other part they don't tell you. If you fail this test, it does not necessarily mean that you have diabetes. False positives are common. So you have to get a SECOND test. What does this mean? Even more of that nasty beverage, but this time you wait 3 hours! Try telling a pregnant woman to fast prior to a test and then wait three hours after it...we are already a moody people, this is not wise.
When pregnant with Maxson, I failed the first test. It was not pretty. This time around, I was determined to pass it, but then I forgot about the test and had two glasses of sugary iced tea the night before. Convinced I was going to fail yet again, I had a "hey-do-me-a-favor" twenty in my back pocket for the lovely lady that would force feed me pure evil and then take my blood. I would say that this was like a bad version of Twilight, but that would imply a good version of Twilight....
Long story short...I PASSED! I had a doctor's appointment today and baby is measuring at 26 weeks and has a good, strong heart beat. He is a very active little man, and he is wide awake first thing in the morning and right when I'm trying to fall asleep (go figure). I eagerly anticipate being able to feel his hiccups. :)
Unfortunately, we do not have any ultrasounds scheduled, so who knows if we'll see his cute little profile again before we meet him in person.
I know these posts are not truly entertaining without pictures, so you will have to settle for his big brother for the time being...13 months old today! We could not waste the beautiful weather, so we played at the park!

Love you all! 3 months left :) Wish us luck!!